The support of our Patrons is more important than ever. We hope you join us at LCT in believing in the power and joy of live theater. We would be honored and grateful for your first-time or renewed Patron support. With your help, we will keep our Theater strong.
— André Bishop, Producing Artistic DirectorAt Lincoln Center Theater, we strive to be a beacon of artistic excellence and a gathering place that enriches the lives of individuals, artists, and the community at large. The LCT Patron Community’s generous support fuels all this great work, from beloved musicals to intimate new plays.
Patrons enjoy a host of benefits including complimentary best orchestra seats, VIP concierge ticket service, and fun pre-performance cocktail parties and special events, all while directly impacting what happens on our stages.
Associate Patron Benefits
NEW! Special intro offer!
Ticket benefits*:
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to one (1) LCT production in the Vivian Beaumont Theater or Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater.
- VIP service from the Patron Office staff to reserve complimentary tickets, featuring personalized, flexible scheduling. Additional best orchestra seats may be purchased with no ticketing fees.*
- VIP service from the Patron Office staff to reserve our best house seats. Additional orchestra seats to LCT shows may be purchased with no ticketing fees.
- Invitations for two (2) to our Artist Spotlight Series – private Patron events with LCT artist speakers in a behind-the-scenes look at our productions (three times per year).
- Complimentary subscription to the Lincoln Center Theater Review.
- Listing in Playbill.
Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to each production in the Beaumont Theater, Newhouse Theater, and LCT Broadway shows.
All Associate Patron perks, plus:
- Complimentary intermission drinks for Beaumont Theater productions.
Supporting Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Four (4) complimentary tickets for Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions and (2) complimentary tickets for Newhouse Theater productions.
All Patron perks, plus:
- Invitation to Backstage Tours led by LCT Production staff.
Sponsor Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Four (4) complimentary tickets for Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions, (2) complimentary tickets for Newhouse Theater productions, and two (2) complimentary tickets for LCT3 productions in the Claire Tow Theater.
- Invitations for two (2) to Opening Night performances of Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions, including the post-performance party with the cast.
All Supporting Patron perks, plus:
- Complimentary Patron ticket delivery to your home or office (arrangements upon request).
Benefactor Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Four (4) complimentary tickets for Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions, four (4) complimentary tickets for Newhouse Theater productions, and two (2) complimentary tickets for LCT3 productions in the Claire Tow Theater.
- Invitations for two (2) to Opening Night performances of Beaumont, Newhouse, and LCT Broadway productions, including the post-performance party with the cast.
All Sponsor Patron perks, plus:
- Invitation for two to an exclusive annual event with André Bishop, LCT’s Producing Artistic Director.
- A special memento of the LCT Season.
Playwright's Circle Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Four (4) complimentary tickets for Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions, four (4) complimentary tickets for Newhouse Theater productions, and two (2) complimentary tickets for LCT3 productions in the Claire Tow Theater.
- Invitations for two (2) to Opening Night performances of Beaumont, Newhouse, and LCT Broadway productions, including the post-performance party with the cast.
All Benefactor Patron perks, plus:
- VIP service to reserve house seats for Broadway shows and at other venues of the Lincoln Center Campus (tickets subject to availability).
- A complimentary one-year membership to the LCT Angels program for a friend or family member under the age of 45.
- As an auction donation to a charity of your choice, two complimentary tickets in our best seats for a Beaumont, LCT Broadway, or Newhouse production.
Producer's Circle Patron Benefits
Ticket benefits*:
- Four (4) complimentary tickets for Beaumont and LCT Broadway productions, four (4) complimentary tickets for Newhouse Theater productions, and two (2) complimentary tickets for LCT3 productions in the Claire Tow Theater.
All Playwright's Circle Patron perks, plus:
- A complimentary one-year Patron membership with full benefits at the Patron level for a friend or family member.
*Choice of performance dates is subject to availability.
Click here to view LCT's Patron Brochure