Tonight was our final preview. The audience was especially warm and receptive, seeing as we had many family and friends in the house. Over two dozen of Ellen's family members traveled in from all across the country to see her NY debut as a playwright. Marin and Dave also had parents in the audience. As assistant director, I've watched almost all of the preview performances, thus allowing me to notice details in the performance that the average audience member might not pick up on.

In anticipation of opening night on Monday (with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek), I've been contemplating creating some special "awards" for the cast members. For those of you who have yet to see the show, I offer the following teaser... Come check out GRACELAND and see if you can guess who will be awarded the following highly prestigious honors for their work with inanimate/imaginary objects: Best Acting with a Frozen Food Item, Best Acting with Household Appliance, Best Acting with an Invisible Rodent, Best Supporting Actress with a Wig, and Best Actress with a Pez Dispenser! 

Jenny Mercein is the Assistant Director for GRACELAND.